Skeleton Note Template
[Title: Core Concept/Theme]
Stage: [Idea/Seed/Sprout/Evergreen]
Tags: #[stage] #[themes] #[navigation, if MOC-like]
Core Insight
- Example: "The cultivation system is built around three phases: before taking the step, taking the step, and supporting along the journey."
Supporting Sources
- Example: Quote: Tao Te Ching - Chapter 64
- Example: Literature: Alan Watts - The Way of Tao
Subtopics (Connections)
- Example: Evergreen: Taoism for Productivity
- Example: Sprout: Aligning Action with Intention
- Example: "Weekly reviews to stay aligned with the cultivation system."
- Example: "This aligns with the Taoist principle of flow and the idea of effortless progress."
Further Exploration
- Example: "How can the phases of the cultivation system be adapted to modern productivity tools?"
Integration (MOC-Like Navigation)
- Example: MOC: Cultivation Systems
- Example: Meta-Insight: Taoism and Cultivation